CDN aggregation
Combine the power of multiple CDNs
Providing the optimum price/performance for global coverage for your web assets often requires multiple CDNs. aiScaler gives you the control to decide by time, geography or client, how your content is delivered. aiScaler lets you decide when and where you use the CDNs to maximize value. Controlling the distribution of your content can be a major factor in the cost you pay for downstream distribution and can provide you options, when negotiating your contract.
What NBC says about aiScaler CDN aggregation:
- “-With aiScaler in place, our CDN traffic has seen about an 80% reduction – complete with an 80% reduction in CDN fees”
- “We’re now better utilizing our own datacenters capacity”
- “We were able to shave about 1 sec (about 30%!) off page load times, as reported by Keynote.”
- “We still have a CDN configured as an overflow/safety valve, just in case.”
Save costs on your CDN
Serve content directly from your datacenter, using aiScaler’s superior caching tier – only when latency tests show this is permissible.
Increase coverage
Automatically serve the remainder of your traffic through one or multiple CDNs to increase coverage. Switch between CDNs based on file type, latency or geography.
Implement custom rules
Implement custom rules for the best price/performance across providers, adherring your CDN’s minimum contracts. Some examples of custom rules:
- If latency records show that aiScaler’s cache is not fast enough in certain areas, send users to to a CDN: Instead of always serving content from the fastest CDN endpoint, serve all content from aiScaler, if latency is lower than X ms (let’s say 100ms). This saves costs, because serving content from your own datacenter is cheaper than through a CDN. However, if latency from aiScaler is too high (above 100ms) AND a CDN is faster, then revert to using the CDN.
- Send different file types over different CDN‘s. For example, send all static files over a simple cheap CDN while using a more expensive CDN for dynamic content. Or take a video website: serve all small files (metadata) directly from the aiScaler cache, while the streams are delivered over a CDN.
- A particular CDN might have good coverage worldwide, but not in a certain regio – let’s say Asia. In this case aiScaler can route all traffic from Asia through a different CDN that does have good connections in Asia.
- If you have a CDN with burstable billing (, aiScaler makes sure you do not exceed your Mbps, for more than 5% of the month. That would trigger an expensive CDN “bursting fee”. If it looks like this is going to happen, aiScaler automatically switches to serving content from cache, or through a different CDN, avoiding protecting you from bursting fees.
How to take this further?
Contact us for a consult on how aiScaler CDN aggregation can be deployed in your environment.